We are so excited to be brining back a Summer of Yoga in the Park, in collaboration with the wonderful humans at Cotteridge Park.

In line with our vision and values, our Summer of Yoga in the Park will continue to be either FREE of charge or donation based, with a % of donations going back into the community.


Because nature is a free healer.

We are passionate about brining people together.

Accessible and inclusive Yoga and wellbeing is part of our vision and values.

We want to support, and also give back to our community.

Summer 2023 saw us welcome over 100 people for our first outdoor class, and so many of you each week that we had to invest in a Mr. Motivator style mic set up to be able to offer you all the best outdoor Yoga in nature experience in Birmingham.!


Soooo … let’s do it all again this year!

We have multiple offerings.

Everyone and every-body is welcome.

No booking required, just come along!

We ask for £5 per person donation, but will never turn anyone away if this is not financially viable.


Our Summer of Yoga in the Park kicks of with a Summer Solstice special.

11:15am-12pm Yoga

12:15-1pm Social

Come for the Yoga, the social - or both!

After Yoga we will head down to “The Shed” for a cuppa, slice of cake, and to socialise and have a chat.

This is a DONATION BASED offering.

Suggested donation £5 per person (cash only).

Meet on the Bowling Green - Franklin Road side of the park.

If finances are an issue to coming along, please come don’t feel like to have to make a donation.


We are delighted to be able to offer our community FREE Yoga in the Park again this year, and really encourage you to support this offering so that it can continue.

Yoga in parks, nature, and natural surroundings has become really popular over the past few years, and whilst this is wonderful in brining people together, we stay committed to our mission of supporting our community and the wider communities wellbeing in offering this for FREE, or on a donation basis.

Whilst getting more bums on mats is great, we realise and appreciate that for many people, Yoga is now a luxury experience, when in reality wellbeing practices should be available to everyone!


24th June

1st July

8th July

15th July

22nd July

29th July

5th August

12th August

19th August

2nd September

After the 10 FREE practices, we will continue on a donation basis, with the below dates:

9th September

16th September

23rd September

30th September


We will be brining back our Sunday late morning Yoga in Cotteridge Oark again this year.

With an 11:15am start, giving you and us the opportunity for a lie in, followed by 45 minutes of beginner friendly gentle Yoga.

We kindly ask for a cash donation of £5 per person, a % of which goes straight back into the community.

Studio Owners Karine & Jay hold these sessions without profit in mind, but with the vison of wanting to offer accessible and inclusive Yoga, and bring the community together.

If you are an individual or business who would like to offer us your support then please do get in touch.


7th July

21 July

4th August

18th August

1st September

15th September

29th September


No booking required, just come along.

We meet on the bowling green.

Please bring cash only and correct change for donation classes.

All outdoor classes are weather dependent. We decided 45-60 mins prior to the class start time if the class can go ahead, based on health and safety and enjoyment. We will pop this on social media only.

Please bring your own mat / water / sun cream if applicable. Wear comfortable clothes and sensible shoes. We do not provide any equipment.

The Yoga classes are designed with using a mat. You are welcome to bring a chair and adapt.

Please notify the teacher of any injuries / limitations that may impact your practice. This should be done prior to the class starting.

Please arrive in good time, so as not to disturb the class and miss any special instructions / health and safety / war up.

This class is not suitable for those in their first trimester of Pregnancy, and is not designed with pregnancy in mind. We offer a specialist class on Mondays 6pm in the studio.

Yoga Borne and those teaching the classes as a representative of Yoga Borne cannot take any responsibility for injuries, loss / damage of property or similar.

Dogs are welcome but must be kept on a lead for the class.

Please try to walk / use public transport to help with parking in the residential areas around the park.

Tasteful photographs will be taken and used to advertise this FREE community offering.

If you have any questions please email