Join studio owner Karine as she takes a journey through journaling this January, and invites you to come along for the ride!
“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.”
Journaling, in it’s simplest form is writing down your thoughts.
This might be random thoughts, goals, plans, about your day - anything goes!
The New Year is a great time to start journaling, as we often contemplate our goals for the year ahead, and reflect on the year gone by - so why not join us for “Journal Through January” this year.
A wonderful opportunity to start or delve deeper into the practice of journaling.
Daily prompts, encouragement and ideas from Karine as she journals along with you. Weekly conversations and catch ups.
Whether you are new to journaling or already journal regularly, whether you see yourself as creative or not. There will be a wide variety of information, prompts and ideas for everyone to enjoy.
Regular journaling has been shown to reduce stress, boost mental wellbeing, assist in emotional processing, help in planning and organisation, and take us on an exciting journey of self discovery.
Let’s explore, be curious, and journey through journaling together!
“I loved writing a diary when I was younger, and have dabbled in journaling many times, but have not managed to make it a habit, which I would very much like to,”
Look out for the daily prompts via our social media platforms, and once the month is complete all prompts will be on this page.
Join this journaling journey with curiosity, and an open heart and mind!
You will need a notebook, journal, paper and pen - find what works for you!
You might like to have a selection of different coloured pens, a few highlighters, even some paints or pencil crayons as there will be the opportunity to get creative. Again, work with a medium that you enjoy.
Set aside and dedicate your journaling time - what time of day inspires you, or is a good time for reflection?
One of the prompts does ask for morning journaling, but overall you can choose when works for you.
Allow your writing and creativity to flow, don't worry too much about grammar or the neatness of your handwriting.
Embrace what comes out, try not to judge or criticise - this is a journey of exploration and should be approached with kindness and compassion!